Finally, an honest answer...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
There's GOLD In dem Hills! (Battlefield: Bad Company review)
Yep, I got the game.
Been playing the Demo during my holidays. Heck, I spent most of my holidays playing the friggin Demo. The multiplayer is fun. So it got me hooked, and I spent my time finding ways to unlock the new weapons, and finally got the game itself to play them.
Was planning to get it on Friday .. but when I saw it being unpacked at the store, I couldn't resist! D:
Great game overall. Nice and Unique Storyline, intense battles and fighting, tough and unforgiving enemy AI, cool weapons, good graphics, and good game length. The only problem is the lack of friendly AI fighting, and the bad health system.
The story is about a soldier being transferred to a Company in the US Army - "B" Company, or Bad Company (as the title suggests). This company is unique because it's where all the "Bad" soldiers are sent to instead of Prison. All those who have committed some kind of crime and damage to the Army, are transferred here to get them away from the main fighting force. Basically, they're cannon fodder. The player is Pvt. Preston Marlowe, who probably did something bad and got transferred here (they never actually said how). He joined a squad, and this Squad is the coolest squad ever. They have a Sarge, an Explosive-maniac, and a Nerd.... lol
The characters are humourous and unique at the same time. They have their own personality, and it tends to brighten up the gloominess of war.
Well basically, after fighting, they finally found some Gold in the battlefield, and somehow because of someone's action, they found themselves accidentally invading a neutral country. So if they return to the army, they'll get in big trouble, and so they go for the Gold instead. And got themselves into a whole new mess fighting a mysterious Mercenary army. D:
The story is not the best, but it's unique and beats the common "OMG, THE COMMUNIST/TERRORIST HAZ OUR NUKES!!!" storyline that most games about modern warfare have (*cough*callofduty4*cough*).
The gameplay is fun. It's a Sandbox-style run and gun shooter. Enemies can come from anywhere, and you can attack the enemy from anywhere too. Lots of choices, but in the end, it all always boils down to attacking the base/depot/village eventually. But sometimes you can choose to just ignore them. So you basically have a choice. If you seem to be low on Ammo or in need to get a new gun, you can attack that nearby town or depot and salvage stuff for your mission. Or you can take any vehicle and rush through your objective and ignoring everything in your way. The enemy is AI is dumb, but not so dumb. And they're damn aggressive and unforgiving. They will use all they have to take you down. This will tend to make you feel like the whole world is against you, as you are constantly under heavy fire and with little cover.
Little cover? Why little cover? Because the environments are Destructible! Almost every building, ground, tree, or any form of cover can be blown off. Seriously. So cover can seriously be scarce in the thick of the fight. Or you can use it to your advantage. Get a tank, ROCKET LAWNCHAIR or Grenade LAWNCHAIR and blow the cover of your enemies, and let the debris take care of the rest. The physics is awesome. It's damn realistic. Which adds to the fun gameplay.
Now what really ticks me off is the awefull Health system. It's irritating to be underfire from a Machinegun, and every source of cover like buildings are being blown off by shells or rockets, and your health is dwindling almost immediately. Seriously, a single enemy can just keep spraying their gun at you and you'll go down from 100% to 5% health. This caused me to run from cover to cover more and not steamroll fighting. It's also really irritating when this happens and you're trying to fight hordes of machinegun nest and trying to get a clear shot at them. You just keep crawling for cover and dont have much time to fire back.
Fortunately, the respawn system and self-healing injector helps alot to keep you alive. The Injector basically pumps your health back to 100 instantly, and takes at least half a minute to recharge. It's a fucking Life saver. I cant imagine how i would even survive the game without using it. The respawn is something others hate, but I personally find it good. Most games have the whole level reset when you die. This is especially annoying when you've fought so hard and killed so many enemies, only to die instantly by committing a simple mistake, that you couldn't have seen it coming, forcing you to fight it all over again (damn you CoD4 on Veteran!). The respawn system in Bad Company haves you immediately back into the fight, and it doesn't reset the level. You just respawn a few metres/yards/km outside the front lines and you finish off what you started. It eases the gameplay which makes it fun, and not so stressful. So what if you have to drive back a to that far away town? You only have a handful of enemies left to fight, shouldn't be that hard.
The Friendly AI is somewhat contradicting. They can sometimes be good, and sometimes be dumb. Most of the game haves you fighting and charging alone, and taking all the fire, until you're about to finish the fight, then your friendly AI kicks in and finishes the enemy off for you. Where were they when the bullets were flying across my head?! It would have been really nice if the AI could provide surpressing fire or anything like CoD4. However, when it boils down to the pretty hard fights, then the AI start really fighting along with you. But you're still doing most of the work.
The levels are long. Since it's sandbox, it'll take a couple of minutes to get from Point A to Point B. What's more, there's more reason to explore. You can go find hidden Gold crates scattered in secluded and rural places of the map. You can even salvage and collect all the hidden weapons. Some of the weapons can be collect from the dead enemies who dropped them, but there are some really good rare guns hidden out there. This is all for achievement purposes, but it stills add to the gameplay to lengthen your time in each level. Each mission can last up to more than an Hour, depending on where and how you travel and fight (hit and run the enemy or fight till everyone's dead), and if you're willing to attack every town you see. Personally, I only decided to explore abit, but most of the missions I just took the fastest route to my objectives. I'll replay for all the Gold and Weapons later.
Now, Battlefield have always been known for it's excellent Multiplayer. Heck, the whole franchise was about Multiplayer. Bad Company is no different. Now instead of the same ol' Conquest mode, we have Gold Rush. It's basically Team A attacks some objective and must destroy it through any means necessary while Team B defends it to the last man. The fights can be intense, and I just love it. It's friggin' fun and got me hooked during the Demo. It's great when you have a well organised team. Have some tanks make the big push on your enemies, while you have some infantry infiltrating the base. It works and the maps are great. I still need to get use to some though, but I'm enjoying it. The unlocks are also great. You get some Free Unlocks if you follow some criteria, which can help beginners alot, and the unlocks from buying the Gold Edition (I got the Gold Edition). Also, fighting hard Online allows you to level up, and getting credits to unlock more weapons and gadgets to help you fight harder. The injector is your life, I got it first. It saved me oh-so-many times online during the Demo. Basically, the multiplayer is fun, but somewhat slow-paced. To make up for it, the battles will get pretty intense when Artillery shells rain on your head and tanks steamroll in as they blow away each building and cover. It's good to be resourceful. It's slow paced unlike CoD4 which depends on fast action fighting for it's intensity.
So all in all, Bad Company is a pretty decent game. The graphics ain't half bad and no framerate drops too. You'd expect such drops when the game gets so intense with everything blowing up. But it doesn't happen. It was a worth buy, and fun. The single-player may be a little weak, but the multiplayer makes up for it. It's almost on par with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, but both have their perks and downsides.
I give this game a 8.5/10 or 9/10 .. I CANT MAKE UP MY MIND! D:
The single-player is quite a put-off but not that bad. The multiplayer is definitely worth the stay. Go get it if you haz a 360 or PS3! :3
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Omg, I spent the whole fucking night waiting up for a single Update that I have been waiting for since the beginning of Team Fortress 2.
We were told the Pyro Update was coming on Thursday. It ended up releasing on Friday... D:
I stayed up, coz I wanted to be the first to play and get all the Weapons, but after 3am, I gave up and went to bed.
Woke up at 7am, and realised the update came at 5am this morning. So I basically slept for only 4 hours. YAY! D:
Now I'm playing it, and enjoying my new Backburner flamer. It's win! :3
Too many Noob Pyros are everywhere now. Fortunately, I R L33T, and pwned them all! >:3
Seriously, I came out top in almost every match where my Team are totally full of Flaming noobs. I'm teh only TRUE AVATAR .. I mean, PYRO! D:
Nao, Imma go watch more Avatar. It's a good show, and I'm addicted to the characters and their innuendo. D: Go Katara... :X
We were told the Pyro Update was coming on Thursday. It ended up releasing on Friday... D:
I stayed up, coz I wanted to be the first to play and get all the Weapons, but after 3am, I gave up and went to bed.
Woke up at 7am, and realised the update came at 5am this morning. So I basically slept for only 4 hours. YAY! D:
Now I'm playing it, and enjoying my new Backburner flamer. It's win! :3
Too many Noob Pyros are everywhere now. Fortunately, I R L33T, and pwned them all! >:3
Seriously, I came out top in almost every match where my Team are totally full of Flaming noobs. I'm teh only TRUE AVATAR .. I mean, PYRO! D:
Nao, Imma go watch more Avatar. It's a good show, and I'm addicted to the characters and their innuendo. D: Go Katara... :X
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Iranian Policewomen Creed
Omg, this is just bloody awesome.
Just watch ... D:
Iranian Policewomen
It looks so awesome, and yet so scary at the same time.
Like some Secret Ancient Warriors .. or Assassins D:
Just watch ... D:
Iranian Policewomen
It looks so awesome, and yet so scary at the same time.
Like some Secret Ancient Warriors .. or Assassins D:
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Last Airbender ... heh.
Last day of teh Holidays. Tomorrow gotta start packing and getting ready.
School's startin... Booooooooooooooooooooooo.............
I spent the WHOLE DAY watching Avatar: The Legend of Aang/Last Airbender, a cartoon on Nickelodeon. I never was really into the show. But I started watching their Season 3, or Book 3, and I'm intrigued with the storyline and shipping (relationships... I'm a sucker for this D:). The story is epic, and the character relationships are ... lol .. Niiiiccceee....
There was a 2 & 1/2 hr marathon ... showed half of the Season 3. That wasn't enough. So I logged on teh Internets and watched summoar... Nao I've seen them all. Omg, nice show. I approve it. D:
Also, watched Family Guy marathon ... Lulz
Great stuff ... made me laugh a little.
Nao I'm bored ... I'm in no mood to play anything...
School's startin... Booooooooooooooooooooooo.............
I spent the WHOLE DAY watching Avatar: The Legend of Aang/Last Airbender, a cartoon on Nickelodeon. I never was really into the show. But I started watching their Season 3, or Book 3, and I'm intrigued with the storyline and shipping (relationships... I'm a sucker for this D:). The story is epic, and the character relationships are ... lol .. Niiiiccceee....
There was a 2 & 1/2 hr marathon ... showed half of the Season 3. That wasn't enough. So I logged on teh Internets and watched summoar... Nao I've seen them all. Omg, nice show. I approve it. D:
Also, watched Family Guy marathon ... Lulz
Great stuff ... made me laugh a little.
Nao I'm bored ... I'm in no mood to play anything...
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mai IQ is SOOOOOOOO Hiiiiigghhhhh.....
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners, feat. The Pretender.
Been learning alot of Foo Fighters song lately. They are freaking fun to play. Though most are chords, they're not always Power Chords. It's a mixture of odd chords, power chords, and unique strumming patterns. And some of the songs are fast, so the chord changing is fast too, that makes it so fun to play!
I also learned an Acoustic Folk song by them called "The Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners". The song is relaxing to listen, and fun to play. :3
It made me realised, that I only take less than an hour or so to get a Song right, and another 30mins or less to master it fully. Lol ... I'm not trying to brag, but.... I Rock! \m/
And now, I shall leave you with this awesome Foo song. Enjoy.
The Pretender - Foo Fighters
I also learned an Acoustic Folk song by them called "The Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners". The song is relaxing to listen, and fun to play. :3
It made me realised, that I only take less than an hour or so to get a Song right, and another 30mins or less to master it fully. Lol ... I'm not trying to brag, but.... I Rock! \m/
And now, I shall leave you with this awesome Foo song. Enjoy.
The Pretender - Foo Fighters
Keep you in the dark you know they all pretend
Keep you in the dark and so it all began
Send in your skeletons
Sing as their bones come marching in again
The need you buried deep
The secrets that you keep are at the ready, are you ready?
I'm finished making sense
Done pleading ignorance that whole defense
Spinning infinity, but the wheel is spinning me
It's never ending, never ending
Same old story
What if I say I'm not like the others
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender
What if I say I'm not like the others
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender
In time or so I'm told
I'm just another soul for sale, oh well
The page is out of print
We are not permanent, we're temporary, temporary
Same old story
What if I say I'm not like the others
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender
What if I say I'm not like the others
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender
I'm the voice inside your head, you refuse to hear
I'm the face that you have to face, mirrored in your stare
I'm what's left, I'm what's right, I'm the enemy
I'm the hand that'll take you down, bring you to your knees
So, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Keep you in the dark you know they all pretend
What if I say I'm not like the others
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender
What if I say I'm not like the others
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender
What if I say I'm not like the others?
(Keep you in the dark)
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
(You know they all)
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender
What if I say I'm not like the others?
(Keep you in the dark)
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
(You know they all)
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender
So who are you
Yeah who are you
Yeah who are you!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I'm such a dick...
Dammit, I feel so bad...
I had to download a few albums of Foo Fighters.
I feel violated.... I should have bought the albums instead.
I really want to buy their albums. Maybe I will, but for now I have to stick with these dirty and unclean versions of pirated music! D:
The only reason I downloaded wuz because I'm bored, and I'm too lazy to log on Youtube to listen to their songs all the time. I'll go get Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace or In Your Honor sometime later on this year. I promise. D:
I rarely download music anymore. i rather buy and support the band, because if my band records and makes an album, the cycle is gonna happen and people will download instead of buying my music. I don't want karma to hit me in the butt. Buy the albums, Support the Bands, don't download pirated! D:
I had to download a few albums of Foo Fighters.
I feel violated.... I should have bought the albums instead.
I really want to buy their albums. Maybe I will, but for now I have to stick with these dirty and unclean versions of pirated music! D:
The only reason I downloaded wuz because I'm bored, and I'm too lazy to log on Youtube to listen to their songs all the time. I'll go get Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace or In Your Honor sometime later on this year. I promise. D:
I rarely download music anymore. i rather buy and support the band, because if my band records and makes an album, the cycle is gonna happen and people will download instead of buying my music. I don't want karma to hit me in the butt. Buy the albums, Support the Bands, don't download pirated! D:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Dead on Arrival
I havent updated in awhile. Why? Coz' I didn't wanted to.
Why? Coz' I Can, dammit.... :|
Alot of things happened. Went to Genting, BBQ, new game, etc...
The holidays are ending.. school starting, exams are rolling, the end is happening...
Dammit. Fuck this, once this is over, I'mma rock out so hard, I'll get drunk, high, and all that other shit Rockstars do after they rock! D:
Anywho, class photo of teh last week.

I'm On Top! >:3
I've been listening to Foo Fighters alot lately. Great stuff. Seriously great stuff. Makes MCR look like dope. D:
I might just even convert to a full time Foo Fan from MCR Fan! D:
Seriously, their stuff are great. Listen to
All My Life,
Learn To Fly,
Monkey Wrench
Times Like These
Best Of You
My Hero
The Pretender
Search them up on Youtube. And be impressed. I've been aiming for the Lead singer's look all the long. I want a mullet, with a goatee like him. XD
This is the Most AWESOME Thing EVER
I havent updated in awhile. Why? Coz' I didn't wanted to.
Why? Coz' I Can, dammit.... :|
Alot of things happened. Went to Genting, BBQ, new game, etc...
The holidays are ending.. school starting, exams are rolling, the end is happening...
Dammit. Fuck this, once this is over, I'mma rock out so hard, I'll get drunk, high, and all that other shit Rockstars do after they rock! D:
Anywho, class photo of teh last week.
I'm On Top! >:3
I've been listening to Foo Fighters alot lately. Great stuff. Seriously great stuff. Makes MCR look like dope. D:
I might just even convert to a full time Foo Fan from MCR Fan! D:
Seriously, their stuff are great. Listen to
All My Life,
Learn To Fly,
Monkey Wrench
Times Like These
Best Of You
My Hero
The Pretender
Search them up on Youtube. And be impressed. I've been aiming for the Lead singer's look all the long. I want a mullet, with a goatee like him. XD
This is the Most AWESOME Thing EVER
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