Signaling, the upcoming final holy days of this holy month.
Seems so fast, eh? Feels like only a few days ago I started fasting ... seriously, feels damn fast.
And soon, Hari Raya will come, and after that, the Battle for ze GCE 'O' levels will begin.
In other news we had a math test for the last 2 days.
Apparently, I've been practicing maths non-stop to the point where I just feel sian doing maths... :|
Seriously, whenever Miss Chan wants to do maths during CDP lesson I'm liek - "Oh c'mon, enuff maths already! I want CDP! D:"
Maths here, maths there, everywhere and everyday. Dammit ... :|
If I don't pass this test, then wtf ... don't tell me practicing maths everyday would mean fuck shits if I can't even pass a mock exam. :|
I've completed Bioshock.
Such a worthy game. Can't believe i found it for $40 @ comics connection.
I was liek - "OMFG, BIOSHOCK SO CHEAP?!?!?! D:"
And so I got it.
Actually wanted the PC version, but I got 360 version instead coz couldn't find cheaper PC version and on 360 I can play for achievements ... >:3
Seriously fun, now replaying on a harder mode to complete the achievements and paths and I missed out on mai first try. Fighting Big Daddies have now seriously become a challenge. I thought they were easy to kill, but raising the difficulty level has increase their survivability rate and decreased mine ... :C
(click picture for link to wiki)
Fun game, but not as fun as Bioshock.
It feels okay, and gets fun after awhile ... I've just started and can't really say much not yet. I'll review it some other time. Also, framerate issues. The FPS seems to jump sometimes ... hmmm...
Anyways, look forward to my upcoming "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" movie review ... i'll do it... eventually.... yes imma procrastinator so STFU and GTFO
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