If you don't know, X08 is some Xbox 360 convention/show thingy they have every 2 years. I had to go, 'coz I already registered for it and had to go get my goodie bag.
It was a big event, and even Electrico was set to play on the day.
A Huge crowd, tons of previews for upcoming games, and TONS of Demos.
Good fun, seriously. However, the best games are only for 18 years and older. I'm talking about Call of Duty 5, Gears of War 2 .. blah blah blah ... damn. If only I was 1 year older. They had a tent to hide all these games and only allow 18 year olds to enter ... |:
Also, Allison Carrol, a Tomb Raider model was there. I have no idea how I know this. But, she was FUKKEN hot. It was .. IMPOSSIBLE to not lo0k at those cleavage. Trust me, I tried. Hard ... I wanted not to look ... I'M NOT LYING... :C
She did some action moves and splits .. omg, I just had to look away ...
Too many "eye washers" (if you get me) there. Booth girls, gah. I ignored them.
Anyway, the game demos were great.
I even hung around the Rock Band & Guitar Hero booths. They were like directly opposite of each other, since they're rival games in the "Music Gaming Industry".
I even tried them out with a couple of strangers. It was cool. I played the guitar of course, but somehow I suck. I could only liek master Medium level. Once I put it to Hard, I'll start making mistakes .. and on Expert, I would lose before the Chorus would even hit. |:
I'll stick to the normal real guitar, thanks.
Also, as I had expected Red Alert 3 was there for demo-ing.
And since, me not going this Tuesday for that Launch event party thing, I decided to try this out instead. Honestly, the game blew away all my expectations. It was fun, intense, actiony and sweet.
The game was great, even on a 360 controller. The learning curve is only about 10 mins. Once you know which button does what and how to build and control stuff .. the rest is pretty easy to play. Great game, gonna get it... eventually.
Then, I got my Goodie Bag.
Sweetest goodie bag ever. I got some posters, and 2 FREE GAMES. Lol, actual games. Old games though, but I dont have them. I got Dead or Alive 4 (some fighting game) and Viva Pinata (some childish Sim City-like game). Looks cool ... I'll go try out later.
After that, they had a Demo show of the cool new game "Tom Clancy: End War". The RTS game that allows you to control with your voice. Pretty sweet. I played the demo, pretty awesome.
And so the stage was set for Electrico to play.
A Gig and a Game convention. Happiest day for me ever.
Now back to reality. Damn 'O' Levels.... :C
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