envy my cam-whore-liness ...
Honestly, it feels weird to wake up late in the morning again. Usually, it would be a norm for me to blatantly arise from my slumber at around 10am or 11am, or even beyond noon. But since Red Camp, I've been waking up at 8am, exactly on the dot. Well, I don't really get off bed at 8, but I tend to be mostly awake around 8 .. only leaving my bed half an hour later.
So today I woke up at 11am again, which feels odd to me. Frankly, I never been a fan of waking up late. I hate to miss the mornings. Waking up late feels like I've wasted half a day doing absolutely nothing, thus making my day seems useless. I figured the reason why I woke up late again this morning was due to the gloomy and cold weather. Gah, I awoke to find myself shivering, even under a blanket.
Meh, at least I'm free today with no plans. Even l0ve woke up late too, haha.
I got myself an Adidas hoodie jacket at last. Been eye-ing on it since .. umm .. Wednesday? Yeaaahhh ... still, finally got it. I needed to use that bloody voucher thing from mah Standard Chartered Run, which was a hectic yet Fun event. Meeting new people and helping them out is as fun as ever... and tiring too. Anywho, it costs $105, and mah voucher would ultimately deduct it to a mere $70+. Affordable? You be the judge.
Yes and so I got it. I'd love to take a picture of it right now and SHOW IT OFF. Buuttt... I'll do it later. You know what? I'm off to watch Superman now, and laugh at how cheesy it is. Batman would kick Superman's ass anytime.. biiiiaaaaattcccchhhh!
Oh also, I've got to go to work tomorrow? I skipped it last Saturday/yesterday!
I'll find a way to get out of it. Gah...
Between now and then;
Till I see you again;
I'll be loving you...
Love me....
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