WEEK 3 has ended. Happy? Perhaps. It's been a teaser of stress for the past few days. I say teaser, because it's still far too early to say it's too hard yet. Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically tested this few days. Deadlines? I got them covered. Group-work? Done, on to the next one. ICAs? I'm on it.
My moods have been on a roller-coaster ride lately. I could be happy as fuck in the afternoon, and emo as fuck in the evening. I've learn to grow fond for some people so far, and it's awkward. Sometimes. But, I'm not gonna do anything stupid, because honestly, honestly, honestly, honestly, honestly, I know where that road ends. I'll stay who I am. A psychotic, half-assed enthusiastic, lame-joke-making, underrated, happy guy. Who is single.
Basically, I've done all my homework except for the tutorials. Currently, I'm more focused on completing my assignments (which usually involves a lot of writing) and ICAs. I feel reluctant to open and read up on Marketing. I know it's a tough subject that I need to focus on, since there's an actual written exam for it. But I just can't give a fuck right now. I'll do what I have always done, last minute work. The probability of that ending well for me, is well, half? I like it that way.
Monday's the first ICA ever. Business Presentations. I'll revise my speech and rehearse it over the weekend. I really want to ace this. I really fucking do. I did not just won an inter-class Speaking Competition in Secondary School for nothing. I did not just enter Speech and Drama classes for nothing. So, technically, I've had training. It's cheating, but big whoop. All the better for me to ace it. WHICH I NEED TO.... Also, I wanna wear something nice on Monday, on the count that I might be chosen to present on that day. Either way, I'll wear something much more formal on both days. If it wasn't for the hot weather, I would actually be excited to do this,
On an Unrelated note, I left the lecture theatre as soon as possible without even saying goodbye to my classmates. Why? 'Coz if you were busy enough to read my twitter updates, you'll know I had to meet my good friend Clarissa. It's seriously been awhile since I've seen her cheery face! Hahah. I owed her a Starbucks "date" anyways, for some unknown sudden reason, which I don't even know why. Hahah. So we met and started talking about how we've been and sharing secrets and of course cracking jokes. I was telling her how much of a tease Media studies was, that it was actually more than just writing, and it's full of intricate and complex topics that I would have, honestly, never see coming at all. Well, at Starbucks she wanted to do study and do homework, but, since I technically had nothing to actually "study", I just surfed teh internets. I could have done my tutorials, but screw that. I'll do it when I feel like it... :P
After awhile, we decided to chill around the Waterfront and watch this soothing upbeat 2-man band from Philippines.. Okay it was a Guy and a Girl. Their music was great. Gravitated more towards the instrumental side though, but I liked it. It felt like it had a blues and pop feeling. Their songs were nice to listen and relax to. Now, if only I can remember the band's name.... heh. We sat there listening together. Haha...
After short dinner, made our way to HMV. Oh god, I found this cool Nirvana and Foo Fighters shirt. Fucking tempted to buy it. I had the money, but I felt reluctant to use it. They were expensive. Dammit. Next time.
It was a nice night. Can't wait to hang out with her again! :D
Following pics, courtesy of her and benjamin... LOL
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