No, relationships are not what I had in mind. What I'm talking about is money. Yes, we've all been there, done that. "Shit, I'm broke" or "I'm gonna go work for extra pocket money".
The evil that the world revolves around every night
We, as youths, are ecstatic when we get hold on even an extra dime of cash. We go out of control, like as if we can buy the whole world with that amount of allowance our parents would give us monthly. Well to be honest, most things out there are pretty expensive. But to be even more honest, most things we want ARE these expensive stuff. It's a pity fact, but hey... We're young and we wanna enjoy with whatever we can before we are dragged into the world of the mundane.
Well speaking of money, I'm currently right now in a pickle. I'm in that state of broke-ness. So hey, welcome me into the club. This is kinda actually my "official" first time being totally out of cash. From the day I got my ATM card, I've been careful to not overspend at least have a hundred or two in my bank at the end of every month. However, lately, I've been a little too care-free. I mean, I don't even have money to buy lunch now. I'm dead serious.
But how the hell did I get here. From being someone who would always have an extra bit of cash on hand, to being completely broke until the almost-never-arriving coming month.
I don't shop a lot. Even when I do, I'll just get what I need or really really want. And done, I'll be on my way. Same for this. Just that, this time what I needed, was a bit out of my budget, and I blatantly closed an eye just so I can get it. All at one go. I wasn't patient enough. Or I had patience, but it was limited, and I ran out of it.
So over the past two months, shall we review my Statement of Expenses? (failed POA pun there)
Rally Neosound Semi-Electric Guitar
Remember Margo? Well, she's yesterday's news now. Move aside Miss Telecaster, say hello to Lady ES335.
This baby cost me a nice $400. It's pretty cheap for a guitar, but $400 is basically 2 months of my allowance. It took me 7 months of planning to get this guitar and 3 months to save enough to get it. I've been wanting a semi-electric for quite some time now. It's true. Blame Foo Fighters, Blink 182, Marty McFly, and so on and so forth. It has a distinctive sound and feel to it. It just matches the way I play. And I'm loving it right now. Still, because of this guitar, it took a large chunk of my allowance away from me. It was worth it. More or less.
Home Recording Equipments

The day I went to get Rally, I went all out on shopping. The reason why it took 7 months of planning was because of this. Since I was going to shop for music stuff, I thought to myself, "Hey, why not I just get everything I need for home recording all at one shot?"
Me and my brilliant ideas, eh? Well, I bought a Behringer Condenser Microphone, a Mic stand to go along with it, some cables and other miscellaneous stuff. It cost me a nice $200 plus in total. And I'm still missing a Mixer. God dammit. That's why I don't have any full recordings up yet. You can say, this project is still more or less in the making. And because of that blasted mixer, what was thought to be a Holiday self-recording home project, turned out to be just another delay in cog machine.
Video Games

I'm a gamer. Watcha' gonna do about it? It's my bread and butter. Like a cigarette to a smoker, I enjoy gaming and I need it. It keeps me sane and entertain in those long periods of nothingness and puts my mind away from other things.
But, again like smoking, it's an expensive habit/hobby. Each game can easily cost a nice $80. Sometimes more. Depending on the console that is. For PC, it's much cheaper, but some games are better played with a controller, so they will cost more for the Xbox. Just recently, I bought the highly anticipated Modern Warfare 2, a game so good I'll review it on my own when I get the time. And pre-ordered Left 4 Dead 2, a soon to be released hit. They both cost me, give or take $150. Yeah, $150 for just two measly games. Crazy huh. But I know what you're thinking. I'm such a n00b. No one buys anymore, it's all about the torrents and rapidshares. Well, tell that to the developers who worked tirelessly hard to produced this game. The artists that worked overtime in order to get their concepts out before the deadline. The maketing team who spend a lot out of their own will to get their work known to the public. It's their job, and they need to get payed too. So by downloading for free, it's as good as making them work for free. And no one likes to do that, now do we? It's only fair, they deserve the same amount of respect they give us as their consumers.
So screw you piracy.
Bus Concession/Transport Fares

Self-indulgence and Food
Food ain't exactly the cheapest thing anymore either. And so are stuff that I need to keep me satisfied, which I won't mention. But, it's not really a problem. It's when I buy stuff like a Venti Green Tea Frappachino from Starbucks that frightens me. But, meh. I'll be too busy enjoying the drink to care.
So that's about it. With that said, I'll be counting the days till I get a top-up so I can start saving up as per usual again. I've more or less got all the stuff I need. It's been fun spending. Now I'm going back to rehab and and I'll learn to save my moniezz again. Till then, I'll survive on food stuff from home, and not indulging myself too much. Cheerio.
This baby cost me a nice $400. It's pretty cheap for a guitar, but $400 is basically 2 months of my allowance. It took me 7 months of planning to get this guitar and 3 months to save enough to get it. I've been wanting a semi-electric for quite some time now. It's true. Blame Foo Fighters, Blink 182, Marty McFly, and so on and so forth. It has a distinctive sound and feel to it. It just matches the way I play. And I'm loving it right now. Still, because of this guitar, it took a large chunk of my allowance away from me. It was worth it. More or less.
Home Recording Equipments
The day I went to get Rally, I went all out on shopping. The reason why it took 7 months of planning was because of this. Since I was going to shop for music stuff, I thought to myself, "Hey, why not I just get everything I need for home recording all at one shot?"
Me and my brilliant ideas, eh? Well, I bought a Behringer Condenser Microphone, a Mic stand to go along with it, some cables and other miscellaneous stuff. It cost me a nice $200 plus in total. And I'm still missing a Mixer. God dammit. That's why I don't have any full recordings up yet. You can say, this project is still more or less in the making. And because of that blasted mixer, what was thought to be a Holiday self-recording home project, turned out to be just another delay in cog machine.
Video Games
I'm a gamer. Watcha' gonna do about it? It's my bread and butter. Like a cigarette to a smoker, I enjoy gaming and I need it. It keeps me sane and entertain in those long periods of nothingness and puts my mind away from other things.
But, again like smoking, it's an expensive habit/hobby. Each game can easily cost a nice $80. Sometimes more. Depending on the console that is. For PC, it's much cheaper, but some games are better played with a controller, so they will cost more for the Xbox. Just recently, I bought the highly anticipated Modern Warfare 2, a game so good I'll review it on my own when I get the time. And pre-ordered Left 4 Dead 2, a soon to be released hit. They both cost me, give or take $150. Yeah, $150 for just two measly games. Crazy huh. But I know what you're thinking. I'm such a n00b. No one buys anymore, it's all about the torrents and rapidshares. Well, tell that to the developers who worked tirelessly hard to produced this game. The artists that worked overtime in order to get their concepts out before the deadline. The maketing team who spend a lot out of their own will to get their work known to the public. It's their job, and they need to get payed too. So by downloading for free, it's as good as making them work for free. And no one likes to do that, now do we? It's only fair, they deserve the same amount of respect they give us as their consumers.
So screw you piracy.
Bus Concession/Transport Fares
Guuuh. This is the part of my spendage that I disdain the most. It's not that I want to pay for it, but I HAVE to. Otherwise, how the heck am I going to get any of my stuff anywhere? It's already sad, as a Poly Student, I'm paying full adult price for bus rides, and it's friggin' expensive. Seriously. I take the bus everyday. Usually, during secondary school $10 could last me for about 2 weeks. Now $10 can last be 5 days for bus rides. I need the concession rates in order to get my transport fix. It cost $50, and I'm paying it on my own. This was the latest thing I spent on. And after paying my concession for this month, I have officially become broke till god-knows-when.
Driving tests
I'm not going to elaborate much on this, on the count of how embarrassed I am for failing the test twice. They cost $6 per test, and yet I'm too much of a Spongebob Squarepants to pass. How sad. I'll just continue to walk.
Driving tests
I'm not going to elaborate much on this, on the count of how embarrassed I am for failing the test twice. They cost $6 per test, and yet I'm too much of a Spongebob Squarepants to pass. How sad. I'll just continue to walk.
Self-indulgence and Food
Food ain't exactly the cheapest thing anymore either. And so are stuff that I need to keep me satisfied, which I won't mention. But, it's not really a problem. It's when I buy stuff like a Venti Green Tea Frappachino from Starbucks that frightens me. But, meh. I'll be too busy enjoying the drink to care.
So that's about it. With that said, I'll be counting the days till I get a top-up so I can start saving up as per usual again. I've more or less got all the stuff I need. It's been fun spending. Now I'm going back to rehab and and I'll learn to save my moniezz again. Till then, I'll survive on food stuff from home, and not indulging myself too much. Cheerio.