Cue dramatic music.
What's new? School is back, that's for sure. Week 2's down, yo. Remember when I said "gah 7 weeks, what am I going to do?!".. well that 7 weeks just flew faster than Lewis Hamilton on the Singapore F1 Circuit. Before you know it, all of us were due back to school. And days prior were just as shitty.
The break was a feel good drag. I've done a lot during that 7 weeks, and it more less left a smile on my face. Only to leave me a little moody during the aftermath. I managed to go out with someone
Oh and I even found out that I had a Spongebob green packet from Hari Raya!
So anyways, on the last week of the break we got our time table. I knew there was something fishy. Who would have thought, a whole school of it would swim through us. Night-classes are cool and all, but it's not cool to have a "Non-Media-Related" module end at 10pm, only to be followed by another NRM on 9am the next morning. When they said Semester 1 was a honeymoon, they weren't kidding. It doesn't help that the lecturer is a douchebag either. But, eventually, it'll grow on us. We have to move on and continue living. So shut the fuck up and let's work on our 4.0 GPAs.
Speaking of GPAs, I got a 3.167. There, I won't elaborate anymore on that.
So Semester 2 is running, and it's been okay for the most, except for Tuesdays of course. Some modules are more fun than others, and for our very first assignment from our PEM, Mr. Shariff (it's actually the first time we are interacting with him since SBM Orientation), was to make an introduction of ourselves through new media. And well, almost immediately, I had an idea in mind. After some scriptwriting and a day of production. This was what I came up with.
Enjoy watching me selling myself our for humor.
Of course, only Media Studies people might get half the jokes there. Inside jokes ftw.
So okay enough of school. Yesterday was Halloween. I didn't do shit, and it was a Saturday night. A dark and stormy Saturday night (how fitting). The first Saturday that I actually stayed home all day. It was weird, and I felt sad. Why? Everyone else had to rub it in by posting their Halloween party pics on Facebook. Sadface. Oh wells. At least the guys hosted an epic TF2 match. It made my day.
SO THERE. I MANAGED TO UPDATE THIS GOD-DAMNED WEBSITE. Awesome Ballzzzzzz. Now let me go back to playing Borderlands. This game is sick, yo. (sick as in good)
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