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    Wednesday, December 24, 2008

    Monday, December 22, 2008

    And it feels like tonight
    I can't believe I'm broken inside
    Can't you see that there's nothing that I wanna do
    But try to make it up to you
    And it feels like tonight

    Sunday, December 21, 2008

    Job hunting .. is a BITCH :D

    Phew, to be honest I've never worked before .. ever.
    No experience whatsoever due the fact that I couldn't find one last year. Parents stopped me, and so I never had a chance to experience working life first hand for myself.

    Oh wells.

    Soooooo.. Friday morning had me back to North Vista Secondary School!
    Yup, after two blissful months away from it, I finally returned, only to realise the school is changing.. and I'm not really iiiinnnn to it.
    Had to be there because I promised to help out the school's NCC unit. Yes, the very unit that build me into a confident person I am today. Somehow. Well, word is the Unit is crumbling and I'm fucking worried. So I suggested a meeting, and we had one and we're trying to settle a few problems.

    My old friend... so long no see

    During the meeting Sirin texted me and suddenly invited me to go job hunting with her! Hah, so random. Since I had nothing else to do on that day, I decided to tag along. Why not? I need to find one anyway.

    oh gawd, i suck, please kill me....!!!!

    Met her at Compass Point around noon (I know whatcha thinking, and why didn't I go, shuddup, i'll do it next week, promise). We sat at KFC like nobody's business and checked the Classified Ads, calling every single opportunity we can find. Nothing sufficed. Each call ended up with a no reply or a "call you back later", which they never did.

    Traveled to Beach Road, Golden Mile Center, because Sirin found a possible job, and we needed to go there for a Walk-In interview. At Lavender MRT station, I walked past one of her friend. Not Sirin's, mind you, heh. I LOL at the place of the Job. It looked like a fucking Hotel. The Hallway was sooo hotel-ish.. we were like a couple looking for our room to-.. okay i'm not going there! |:

    Found out it was for Starhub promoter, and we didn't bothered with it. HAH. Time wasted...
    Our hunt continued, and as a last resort I contacted Fadhil, and he assured as we could apply for Aussino. After a quick, and distasteful lunch, we headed to Plaza Singapura!

    Now here's the fun part:
    On the way there, some Miss "Know-it-All" said the lane we were waiting at, in City Hall station, would head to Dhoby Ghout. Sheee was soo confident, had me just following. Only to realise the train we were on was heading the WRONG direction. Guuuuuhhhh.... that bitch! LOL! And she dares to blame me for it?! |:<>

    So ya, we had a good laugh about it. Finally applied for Aussino and waiting for their call for interview. So, at last we found something. May not be the best job, but still something ... Better than Venture Era anyway ... Oh, and she followed me home. Don't get the wrong idea, haha.. all she wanted was my webcam, not.. oh nevermind... >.>

    We parted and that's it ... and oh, I got a cold! Pfft....

    Oh, and I've been missing my someone alot, heh

    Even if you can not hear my voice ;
    I'll be right beside you dear.....

    Friday, December 19, 2008

    Questions for 2008

    The end of the year is always a time for reflection and looking back on the previous calendar year. To help with that, here are some 2008 related questions. Do as many or as few as you want but have fun!

    1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
    Asked a girl out on a date! Hahahahahahahahah ..... |:

    2. Did you keep your New Years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
    I don't even remember what was my resolution I made last yea. Perhaps, I'll think about it..

    3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
    Not really

    4. Did anyone close to you die?

    5. What countries did you visit?
    Malaysia .. Genting? Yup.. :D

    6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
    Be more of a fun person?

    7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
    November 15th? Yup, the first time I met that someone in person :D

    8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
    Playing for National Day show, and becoming a Hit? Yep... Oh and getting a girlfriend ... >.>

    9. What was your biggest failure?
    Too many to say .. Hmmm...

    10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
    Yup, just a week before O levels

    11. What was the best thing you bought?
    My Creative Zen Mosaic Mp4 player

    12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

    13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
    Too many to begin with...

    14. Where did most of your money go?
    Personal enjoyment

    15. What events did you get really, really, really excited about?
    Graduation High Tea, National Day show, & Standard Chartered Run event, and X08

    16. What songs will always remind you of 2008?
    "Everlong - Foo Fighters"
    "End Over End - Foo Fighters"

    "Flagpole Sitta - Harvey Danger"
    "It's Not Over - Daughtry"
    "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring"

    "Seventeen Ain't So Sweet - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus"

    17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
    • happier or sadder? - Happier
    • thinner or fatter? - Thinner .. >.>
    • richer or poorer? - SAME

    18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
    Played or watched more gigs

    19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
    Slacking at home, and thinking too much

    20. How will you be spending Christmas?
    Staying home, and do more thinking

    21. Who did you spend the most time on the phone with?

    22. Did you fall in love in 2008?
    Hmm ... yup :)

    23. How many one-night stands?
    Uhhh ...

    24. What was your favorite TV program?
    Spongebob Squarepants

    25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
    Maybe, even if I did, I forgot...

    26. What was the best book you read?
    Republic Commando: Hard Contact & Triple Zero

    27. What was your greatest musical discovery or rediscovery?
    The Foo Fighters!

    28. What did you want and get?
    A new Friend, or new Friendss

    29. What did you want and not get?
    A new Guitar

    30. What were your favorite films of this year?

    31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
    Had a busy Birthday running around the whole of Singapore, trying to meet up with different friends who had asked me out to different places to celebrate my birthday. HAH... I was 17 :D

    32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
    Coming off stage after National Day show and everyone (even strangers) cheering at me and my band.

    33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 08?
    Indie, and Alternative Rock

    34. What kept you sane?
    My xbox 360...

    35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most/least?
    Dave Grohl...

    36. What political issue stirred you the most?
    Pedra Branca? Yeeaahhh .. had to study that in school anyway, so it got into my head.

    37. Whom did you miss?
    A few mates of mine

    38. Who was the best new person you met?

    39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:
    If someone forces you or abuses you, give them a 'Don't Give a FUCK' Attitude!

    40. Did you fall out of love?

    41. Favorite concerts you went to:
    Haven't been to any yet.

    42. Quote a song that sums up your year:
    It’s times like these you learn to live again
    It’s times like these you give and give again
    It’s times like these you learn to love again
    It’s times like these time and time again

    "Times like these - Foo Fighters"

    I Tagg:

    DO IT ... NOW

    See ya later, 08
    Hello 09...
    When I talk about it,
    It Carries on,
    With Reasons only knew,
    When I talk about it,
    Aries or,
    Treasons all renew

    Big me to talk about it
    I could stand to prove
    If we can get around it
    I know that it’s true

    When I talked about it
    It Carried on
    With Reasons only knew
    But it’s you
    That I fell into

    When I talked about it
    Carries on
    Reasons only knew
    When I talk about it
    Aries or
    Treasons all renew

    Big me to talk about it
    I could stand to prove
    If we can get around it
    I know that it’s true

    Well I talked about it
    Put it on
    Never was it true
    But it’s you
    I fell into

    Well I talked about it
    Put it on
    Never was it true
    But it’s you
    I fell into
    I fell into
    I fell into

    Thursday, December 18, 2008

    Vampires Will Never Hurt You (Twilight Review)

    Yup, fully summarizes what the movie is all about...

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008

    Your Guardian Angel

    When I see your smile
    tears roll down my face.
    I can't replace.

    And now that I'm strong I have figured out
    how this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul,
    and I know I'll find deep inside me, I can be the one.

    I will never let you fall
    I'll stand up with you forever
    I'll be there for you through it all,
    even if saving you sends me to heaven.

    It's ok...
    It's ok...
    It's ok...

    Seasons are changing and waves are crashing
    and stars are falling all for us
    days grow longer and nights grow shorter
    I can show you I'll be the one.

    I will never let you fall
    I'll stand up with you forever.
    I'll be there for you through it all,
    even if saving you sends me to heaven.

    Cause you're my
    you're my, my,
    my true love,
    my whole heart,
    please don't throw that away.

    Cause I'm here, for you
    please don't walk away and
    please tell me you'll stay, stay..

    Use me as you will
    pull my strings just for a thrill
    and I know I'll be okay
    though my skies are turning gray...

    I will never let you fall
    I'll stand up with you forever
    I'll be there for you through it all
    Even if saving you sends me to heaven....

    Sunday, December 14, 2008

    I don't wanna look like thaaat....

    envy my cam-whore-liness ...

    Honestly, it feels weird to wake up late in the morning again. Usually, it would be a norm for me to blatantly arise from my slumber at around 10am or 11am, or even beyond noon. But since Red Camp, I've been waking up at 8am, exactly on the dot. Well, I don't really get off bed at 8, but I tend to be mostly awake around 8 .. only leaving my bed half an hour later.

    So today I woke up at 11am again, which feels odd to me. Frankly, I never been a fan of waking up late. I hate to miss the mornings. Waking up late feels like I've wasted half a day doing absolutely nothing, thus making my day seems useless. I figured the reason why I woke up late again this morning was due to the gloomy and cold weather. Gah, I awoke to find myself shivering, even under a blanket.

    Meh, at least I'm free today with no plans. Even l0ve woke up late too, haha.

    I got myself an Adidas hoodie jacket at last. Been eye-ing on it since .. umm .. Wednesday? Yeaaahhh ... still, finally got it. I needed to use that bloody voucher thing from mah Standard Chartered Run, which was a hectic yet Fun event. Meeting new people and helping them out is as fun as ever... and tiring too. Anywho, it costs $105, and mah voucher would ultimately deduct it to a mere $70+. Affordable? You be the judge.

    Yes and so I got it. I'd love to take a picture of it right now and SHOW IT OFF. Buuttt... I'll do it later. You know what? I'm off to watch Superman now, and laugh at how cheesy it is. Batman would kick Superman's ass anytime.. biiiiaaaaattcccchhhh!

    Oh also, I've got to go to work tomorrow? I skipped it last Saturday/yesterday!
    I'll find a way to get out of it. Gah...

    Between now and then;
    Till I see you again;
    I'll be loving you...
    Love me....

    Friday, December 12, 2008

    Smells Like Teen Spirit!

    Wow, what an exhausting week, and it's still ain't over .. yet.
    Got a job (that I'm half ass-ed to do), and I'm happy with my love...

    Here's a Rundown what I did for teh week:

    - Hari Raya Haji
    - Did nothing much but slacked at my Aunts house and played with my two cute lil' Nephews :D

    - Downtown east with l0ve
    - Had a wonderful time there, truly a great day with her.
    - Spent the day at the Beach (sorry about the MILD sunburnt eh? Haha, I'll make it up with Ice Cream :P)
    - Ate at a new restaurant, healthy and delicious. LOL
    - BBQ time with Classmates
    - Fun

    - Movie time at Cathay with l0ve...
    - Watched "Hells Highway: KM31", which turned out to be a Spanish/Mexican movie. And there I was thinking it was a Thai ghost movie.
    - Wasn't thaaaaat Scary. Had it's freaky moments, but feels more of a Mystery Thriller than a Spooky Ghost Tale. Glad it wasn't a Thai movie though, that would be ... "WTF"ed.
    - Had to go home early, Mom naaaaaagggeddd ... guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

    - Short training at my bloody job.
    - I hate that job ... I'll tell you all about it later.
    - Left early, on purpose, to see her. (i'd rather see her than go through the job anytime, haha)
    - Got stuck in Outram instead of Novena because of some eeeddeeeot's directions. Because of that, I was late to see her. Guuuuuuhhhh
    - Walked around Novena & Velocity, I found a few stuff That I want to buy... so now I need monies!
    - Met up with her Fren and we went to lunch? dinner? I don't know .. haha.
    - Chat and slacked till kinda late!



    You know what, i'll talk about Friday tomorrow.
    Haha, I just feel that the day isn't over yet, so blogging now would defeat the purpose of it if something BIZARRE happens over the next 2 hours.

    I know I didn't go into detail over what happened, because ... I'm lazy? Yep .... Just gotta find mah mood to full express mah opinions and what nots. Perhaps tomorrow .. OMFG I STILL HAVE TO GO TRAINING TOMORROW.

    I'm not sick,
    But I'm not well
    Coz' im soo hot
    That i'm in hell

    I'm not sick,
    But I'm not well
    Coz' it's a Sin
    To live so well

    Saturday, November 29, 2008

    The Saru & Sands of Tosa, PART ONE

    Kind of a busy week.

    Finally got myself to start playing guitar again.
    I know I haven't improved my playing skill much, I can't shred, I can't do harmonics, and I haven't got my sweeping right. So be it you dissidents. I don't give a shit if I'm still an average player..

    I'm currently NOT practicing to improving guitar. I'll do that later, right now I'm more concern for quality of music and sound I make rather than the speed and skill I produce. I'm currently experimenting with different chords and notes to produce my very own song. It's still in the works, but a song just don't pop up anyhow. Since I'm so free right now, I'm going to take my time with listening to other independent musicians and referencing their musical styles. So what if this song I make would suck or won't have a badass solo? I just want to be happy that I put in effort to make it, not some lazy-assed ones that is just done anyhow. I could care less about criticism right now. I've been taking in too much flak, now I'm gonna shut them out to focus on what I can do.

    Heh, I make it sound like I'm some professional musician working. Well too bad I'm not. I'm just a nobody writing a non-existant song. Meh...

    The Week before, my family went to Desaru, Malaysia, for a mini-vacation with my cousin, aunt, and Uncle. We set out in the morning and left for home in the evening. Drove there all the way, journey was long, but I managed to catch some ZZZs (I'm still tired from the events of the past day) and listen to some tunes on my Happy Mp4 Player, heh.

    We had a great time exploring the beach. The waves were huge, the winds were strong. You could just sit there and watch as the day goes by. I told Far that I wished she was there with me, haha.

    From there on, our families drove to what seems to be a fruit farm, somehow.
    To explore it, we had to book a tour, but to heck with that. We're just in for exploring, not touring. Hahah. They had a nice looking store with a bunch of fresh (i presume) fruits on for sale.

    Colourful, eh?

    Bought a bunch of fruits, and our dad's were interested in finding some unknown Go-Cart track somewhere within the area. We searched everywhere, only to realise the damn place was exactly at the beach we were at earlier. The signboard was almost not visible and we missed the a couple of times. When we arrived there, we were only greeted by a half-assed looking track. I lost my mood to play. Also, the place was only open on Weekdays ... not weekends. I mean seriously, wtf?

    Okay fine, the track wasn't THAT bad, but still ... it looked too plain. Perhaps I'll go to Jurong or Yishun or Downtown East to play go-carting some day.

    Pfft, don't bother.

    Disappointed, we decided to make up for it by eating lunch at some resort near the beach.
    Food was great, though a little too spicy around the edges.

    Followed by much more exploring of the resort.
    Seems like a very nice place to stay and chill out for a vacation.
    It's perfectly on a nice view of the beach.
    And the structures are kinda cool looking.

    And soon back to Johor for another 1 and a half hour car ride.
    I slept while my favorite tunes went on.

    From Johor, we did a little shopping at Giant and me and my cousin had a fun time moving around the gigantic (pun not intended) supermarket. She sat on the edge of the shopping cart as I pushed it, haha.

    Oh, and I bought myself a new messenger bag.
    Only Rm65... AFFORDABLE, haha :P

    And with that marks the end of the day and the evening, as both families parted ways to Singapore. I had a pleasant time, and it was nice to finally get out of Singapore for a change.

    I'll carry on tomorrow for my adventures of the Unofficial Red Camp 5 beach outing at Sentosa.
    Not what I expected, but still ... and I'm tired.


    I miss her so much ... dying to see her again... even if I have to carry on waiting what seems to be like forever...

    Friday, November 28, 2008


    You make me dizzy
    Running circles in my head
    One of these days I'll chase you down
    Well look who's going crazy now
    We're face to face my friend
    Better get out
    Better get out

    You know you make me breakout
    Make me breakout

    I don't wanna look like that
    I don't wanna look like that
    Know you make me breakout

    You can see this on my face
    It's all for you
    The more and more I take I break right through
    Therapy still scares me
    Putting me on my back again
    I may be crazy, little frayed around the ends
    One of these days I'll phase you out

    Burn it in the blast off
    Burn it in the blast off
    Watch me crawl away
    Try to get out
    Try to get out


    Go, go, go


    Thursday, November 27, 2008

    Happy Birthday!

    Oops, maybe a little late, but still... it's the thought that counts! (Lol, I forgot to blog these past few days |:)

    But, Happy 17th Birthday to Nurariyanti!

    Have a pleasant and happy year ahead of you, and Remember to be strong, even through this tough times for you.

    And I still owe you a present, haha ...

    Tuesday, November 25, 2008


    Pictures at last.
    Courtesy of
    FarLoL <3>

    Pfft, my hair's a mess in this one...

    Monday, November 24, 2008

    Can-it Rock

    I have something to blog about, and an opinion to clear up.
    But I'll do it sometime later or tomorrow.

    Till then enjoy this:

    Joe Satriani & Funtwo? On Youtube Live? Improvising & covering Canon Rock?
    Epic huh!

    However, honestly, that didn't sound too perfect. Seems like Funtwo messed up a little by missing a few notes and going out of tune for the solo, making it very unclear. Either that, or they didn't did a proper sound check. To think the Lead guitarist would have a louder tone than the Rythmist.

    But still, it's a great performance, so Enjoy it! Rock on! \m/

    Saturday, November 22, 2008

    Aye Aye, Sleep plz...

    Roll Call!
    We are the Vikings, hah.

    On an interesting note, Red Camp has ended wonderfully in an Epic way. The whole event was super fun in many ways possible and we enjoyed it brilliantly. The last night, Zouk Out was too much for me to handle. Wanted to go home early, but instead dragged myself on till late into the night with my buddies. And with that, I had a massive headache and was deprived of sleep.

    Second day of camp was pure fun. Specifically mentioned - the School of Engineering event. Our task was to build a Luge or Tower/Roller Coaster thing full of slopes and stuff to let a ball roll down all the way from the top to the bottom, with only 2 hours and a handful of materials. Our team was teh best. We spent more time on planning than doing, and end up with a messy looking tower that actually works. Imagine our excitement when we finally got the ball to drop down "gracefully" down the slopes... haha. Here's a test video:

    And this was our end product.

    It's a mess .. but it works. And Also, WE WON a Prize! Cool, yep. Another 2 free movie tickets to Eng Wah Cinema .. I have no idea how to use them.

    Third day was sweet also, with the camp finally coming to a finale. Mass Dance was lame yet so fun at the same time. Couldn't help but just moving along to the steps. Also, we Broke a Singapore Record for standing still for a full 1 minute. How epic is that? We're record-breakers, beat that!

    All in all, Red Camp was wonderful time. It was well planned, organised, the leaders were well instructed and played with us well. It was a really good time, and I urge u people who will finish their Os next year to go for Red Camp 09. Indeed it's a truly brilliant experience. And VIKINGS, YEAH. The Most Bonded Tribe ever! We rule... wooooooooooooo.


    Saturday is not a good day. Today is seriously not a good day. Well, for starters, my mind was blur as I awoke from my sleep at 6:30am. Imagine my horror to waking up to another full day of "work" after a bloody exhausting night of excitement. Haha. But one thing kept me going - I was to meet with Miss HappyFace later today

    I rushed out of bed and out of home. The plan was to meet Leonard and Claire at Pasir Ris MRT by 7:15am, for I have to be in Republic Poly for a Standard Chartered Marathon Crew meeting (yes I volunteered to be a Water Boy!) by 9am. To my surprised, when I got into 88, I met Nelson who was also running late. Long time no see him, cool guy. And then, the worst news happened. We got a message from Leo, that the meeting was to be held at 12nn. Holy what-the-F**K...!! It was 7:15am, I was half alive, and I had to endure the day till 12nn. I was pissed off beyond words. We met up with Leo and Claire, I had a good breakfaster to get me going (had to, unless I want to be a Zombie for the whole day), and took a long MRT ride to Woodlands. Thank gawd it was long, I had a good long nap.

    Arrived eventually, and listened to the meeting. Everyone there was poly students .. once again that 'paiseh' feeling set in, for we were the only Sec school students in a bunch of actual poly students. So we just played along and pretend we too were poly students, haha.
    Also, I was half asleep during the meetings. Fortunately, I got the important details down in my head for the event. Yep.

    After that, mah second date with Miss FarLOL! :D
    Honestly, I feel bad for making this day look and seem so boring for her. Our plan was to go Sculpture park for a great time .. in the end, the rain ruined it all. |:

    So we decided to "fly" to Plaza Sing .. in the end, the lack of monies or planning took a toll on us. Haha, so we slacked around the Cathay (which I introduced to her, haha). I was still tired and falling slightly sick. But I've managed to mask it and show a smile around her. I already feel bad for making such a boring day, so the least I could do is actually just "smile and wave" .. haha.

    Sent her home, and she gave me a hug. Hahaaa ... at least something good came out of it today :)

    Still, I feel bad, and I'm sorry if the day didn't turned out as planned Miss Happyface. I promise to make it up to you in any and every way possible in our next date. Till then, lova ya lots. <3 ... haha.

    Also, Thanks for the Smiling Cat Button! I' appreciate alot, oh yes I will!

    (Sorry for the lack of pictures, my phone's SD card is acting up. Can't seem to find the file on my PC though I can find it on my phone ... guuh, either my PC is f-ed up or my phone. Either way, it's annoying)

    Wednesday, November 19, 2008


    Sweet, Red Camp was an awesome, yet tiring start to my day.
    Ngee Ann Poly's Annual Red Camp, bwahahahaha....

    Day 1
    I woke up at 6am! Guuh .. do you know when was the last time since i woke up THAT early?
    2 Months ago - before O levels... |:
    I mean, c'mon, even during Os I woke up at liek 9 or 10am, haha. So it was a "nice" to be back to teh waking-up-early-morning-scene.... |:

    Met with friends at Hougang interchange at 7am, and took a shuttle bus to Ngee Ann. We were soo paiseh to take the bus. I mean, c'mon... we're surrounded by a bunch of actual Poly students, and we're just extra wannabe's boarding their bus. A couple students couldn't take the bus we were in, I blame us for that.

    Reached Ngee Ann only to be greeted by early morning Cheers. Pfft...
    So basically, we had this news Ad skit thingy, which my group won. Sweet.
    And I became a newscaster, had KFC lunch on the floor, tasted Liquid Nitrogen, and saw a reenactment of birth ... yes... good day huh?

    Also, at the FMS lot, the DJ played my favourite song! "Everlong" by Foo Fighters! It was the acoustic version. At first as I heard the starting tune, I was skeptical .. thinking "Nah, they couldn't play this song, do they even know it?". Then when the singing came in, I was awed. I didn't listened to any of what the people there were talking about the Courses. I sang along the song silently under my breath. It's good to know, people here have a good taste for music! :D

    So yeah, I'm in Viking (Green) tribe. And I have to wear Green again. Which, UNFORTUNATELY, I only own 1 shirt. So I have to wear it all over again tomorrow. YES, FEEL MY STENCH of DAY 1. We're vikings ... Real Men don't wash clothes! ... I think >.>

    pictures courtesy of Fadhil :D

    Monday, November 17, 2008

    That Luq with the Glasses...

    A Short post..

    I got too bored tonight and took a photo with my glasses on.
    Heh, havent worn them in quite awhile .. maybe I should wear them more nowadays.. ;)

    Moar pics of teh Happyfaces...

    Here's 2 more pics of FarLOL and Me!

    Thanks again for the pics Miss Happyface :D