Finally got myself to start playing guitar again.
I know I haven't improved my playing skill much, I can't shred, I can't do harmonics, and I haven't got my sweeping right. So be it you dissidents. I don't give a shit if I'm still an average player..
I'm currently NOT practicing to improving guitar. I'll do that later, right now I'm more concern for quality of music and sound I make rather than the speed and skill I produce. I'm currently experimenting with different chords and notes to produce my very own song. It's still in the works, but a song just don't pop up anyhow. Since I'm so free right now, I'm going to take my time with listening to other independent musicians and referencing their musical styles. So what if this song I make would suck or won't have a badass solo? I just want to be happy that I put in effort to make it, not some lazy-assed ones that is just done anyhow. I could care less about criticism right now. I've been taking in too much flak, now I'm gonna shut them out to focus on what I can do.
Heh, I make it sound like I'm some professional musician working. Well too bad I'm not. I'm just a nobody writing a non-existant song. Meh...
The Week before, my family went to Desaru, Malaysia, for a mini-vacation with my cousin, aunt, and Uncle. We set out in the morning and left for home in the evening. Drove there all the way, journey was long, but I managed to catch some ZZZs (I'm still tired from the events of the past day) and listen to some tunes on my Happy Mp4 Player, heh.
We had a great time exploring the beach. The waves were huge, the winds were strong. You could just sit there and watch as the day goes by. I told Far that I wished she was there with me, haha.
From there on, our families drove to what seems to be a fruit farm, somehow.
To explore it, we had to book a tour, but to heck with that. We're just in for exploring, not touring. Hahah. They had a nice looking store with a bunch of fresh (i presume) fruits on for sale.
Colourful, eh?
Bought a bunch of fruits, and our dad's were interested in finding some unknown Go-Cart track somewhere within the area. We searched everywhere, only to realise the damn place was exactly at the beach we were at earlier. The signboard was almost not visible and we missed the a couple of times. When we arrived there, we were only greeted by a half-assed looking track. I lost my mood to play. Also, the place was only open on Weekdays ... not weekends. I mean seriously, wtf?
Okay fine, the track wasn't THAT bad, but still ... it looked too plain. Perhaps I'll go to Jurong or Yishun or Downtown East to play go-carting some day.
Pfft, don't bother.
Disappointed, we decided to make up for it by eating lunch at some resort near the beach.
Food was great, though a little too spicy around the edges.
Followed by much more exploring of the resort.
Seems like a very nice place to stay and chill out for a vacation.
It's perfectly on a nice view of the beach.
And the structures are kinda cool looking.
And soon back to Johor for another 1 and a half hour car ride.
I slept while my favorite tunes went on.
From Johor, we did a little shopping at Giant and me and my cousin had a fun time moving around the gigantic (pun not intended) supermarket. She sat on the edge of the shopping cart as I pushed it, haha.
Oh, and I bought myself a new messenger bag.
Only Rm65... AFFORDABLE, haha :P
And with that marks the end of the day and the evening, as both families parted ways to Singapore. I had a pleasant time, and it was nice to finally get out of Singapore for a change.
I'll carry on tomorrow for my adventures of the Unofficial Red Camp 5 beach outing at Sentosa.
Not what I expected, but still ... and I'm tired.
I miss her so much ... dying to see her again... even if I have to carry on waiting what seems to be like forever...
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