Yes, Final.
Perhaps I shall read up again, but only read and not practice. I feel somehow prepared as the O levels examinations are now coming to a close.
After 5 years of studying in secondary school, it all came down to 3 measly weeks.
Everything we've learned, every sweat and toil we gave now depended on these three weeks. Some broke, others hit rock bottom during our "struggle" .. but it's almost over now. But, would it all be in vain?
Tuesday would be the final paper - Combined Science MCQ.
1 hour, and it will all end.
After that, I just cant bloody wait to scream and shout like a mad man. I swear, I will ... seriously :D
After that we will party the day away! The future would be open for us, and we will be freed from our chains... I can't wait, haha.
Anywho, I'm bloody bored right now.
I've tried entertaining myself with Red Alert 3, which is a great game, but really tires me as the game gets harder. Gah... seriously.
Speaking of games, tons of new games are coming out, and I seem to be lacking of monies to buy them. End War, Gears of War 2, Call of Duty, holy crap. Too many orgasmic games and I want to play them all! D:
Problem is, I haz no money. None, Nada, Kosong ... :C
This forced to decided on whether to get a job or not. I'm tempted to get one and earn money to buy the stuff I need to keep me entertain throughout the long holiday that is coming ahead of me, haha. But I'm still debating with myself (yes, imagine me arguing over myself .. can anyone say Split Personalities?
Anywho, still consulting with mah parents and friends. I'm new to this job thing, since I wasn't allowed to get one after my Ns, so yeah .. I'm deciding.
Also, Grad High Tea is coming. My suit is ready, now my song is almost there. I have to rehearse some more with Khai. It's always like this with me. Only at the last minute do I start rehearsing, lol. For almost every show I'm performing. Haha. I just want this acoustic show to be good enough to leave that impression to everyone that I'm that musician before I leave the school. :D
Also, 1 more week before my date with Miss Happyface C:
Can't wait for it ... heheh
Till then, Play this awesome game.
Super Obama World!
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