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    Friday, April 3, 2009

    Green Fiction

    These past two weeks, I have read 3 books.
    All written by Young Adult author John Green.

    It started out with a random poster at Sengkang Library (you know, the ones that they use to promote reading). The poster quoted a specific Paragraph from a book. And so out of curiosity (actually boredom), I went along to read it. I was amazed by the literature. The paragraph narrates a scene from the book that happened to be when the main character is trying to get back together with his "just friends" love. And then it struck my interest (oh i wonder how could that beeee..). And so I began researching for the source of said paragraph. "An Abundance of Katherines". Interesting title, I told myself. Without wasting anytime I was hard at work to find the book! (And by hard, I meant, just walking to the Catalogue computer station and squinting my eyes and staring at the bookshelves for 5 minutes). Found it, paid my fines, borrowed it, off I go reading it.

    Five days later, I returned "enlightened". It's been so long that I've read an actual good book (last book - "Cheated!" by Patrick Jones), I was amazed by the story. The plot. The writing style. The hilarity. The emotions. And the Logic and metaphors from the story. Wow. It astounded me. It was a nice read and left me thinking alot after that. I could really feel for the main character. And the story was a continuous line of i wanna read more coz it's so fun factor.

    The next day, I went looking for Paper Towns, Green's latest work, since I couldn't find Looking for Alaska at SKCL. Excitedly read it, and wow. It really hit me. It started off with a bang. It build up slowly with sub-plot after sub-plot but never gave up on the entertainment factor. It could leave you laughing in one page, then crying on the next, and instantly leaves you deep in thought with a single paragraph. Though I could not relate myself to the main character, I had wished I could be him. Also, I teared at the ending. Emotional, lol.

    Finally, found Looking For Alaska and read it. Decided to read it slowly, since I was reading books in less than a week (PT took me 4 days). But the concept of taking my time to read is foreign to me when I'm reading a book that wants me to find out what's going to happen next. The book felt different from the other two. It had the same deep writing style, but it was a much more serious and matured theme. And by mature, I mean sexual. I don't want to spoil it for you, but in one part, it talks about a girl performing fellatio for the main character. Oh wait, I just spoiled it for you. Well if you know what it meant, shush. If you don't, too bad. I Loled (no, I was not aroused). The book didn't have any big adventure unlike the other two, but it has a deeper message to one of the important character of the novel. I liked it alot, a good read if you can comprehend it's message.

    The books are so good, that I might even do a Review of each book in depth detail so you can know the plot without actually reading the book! Yay, see, how nice I am to y'all. Even without any professional training in Literature or book analyzing, I shall try my best to not sound like an idiot.

    With that said, I've enjoyed my Reading week and would now like to continue writing. I've had inspiration over the past week. Also, shopping. Yes. I need to do that. THE BREAK IS ALMOST ENDING. OH MY GOD I SPENT 5 MONTHS DOING NOTHING, AND NOW IT'S ALMOST OVER. HOW CAN THIS BE. IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT. And I feel fine. Gotta make my last few days of break as memorable as I can, before I can move on, without looking back and go on to begin another chapter in My book of life in the great wonders of a new world that awaits me. That sounded totally lame and not as melodramatic as I wanted to be. Meh.


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